
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Windows Going in this WEEK!

This upcoming week promises to be very exciting for all R. L. Youngers! As the saying goes, "Out with the old and in with the new". The workers will be on campus Monday through Wednesday installing the new windows in the auditorium. This should be interesting for our students. I recently had an inquisitive 4th grader ask if we were going to sell the old panes on Ebay. I like the way our students want to help the school raise funds for different projects. I have never been one to wait for someone to give me what I wanted. I believe one must "go after" what they desire. 

Someone asked how new windows could possibly affect the learning of students. This is a fair question and one I would like to address. The surroundings and atmosphere of the learner have a direct effect on how well someone learns. Clean, bright, cheerful places help people relax and enjoy where they are. They are not distracted by items that are broken, unattractive, or in need of removal.  Learning comes easier when the mind is free to absorb what is being shared. 

When children take an active role in the improvement of their surroundings, it gives them ownership and and a sense of belonging. An improved campus allows teachers to focus more on teaching, not what needs to be done to the school. Taking pride in our school is a healthy, important part of growing up and learning how to belong to a place. 

Next year when Honor Roll Assembly or other meetings are held in the auditorium, our students will be sitting a little straighter. They will have a warm, clean, pleasant environment to receive recognition. In fact, we will all have a little more pride in this big ole' room that we are so fortunate to have at R. L. Young. 

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Appearance of buildings and grounds has been a weakness in Talladega City Schools for many, many years. It's good to see that our principal and teachers want to do things that make R.L. Young an attractive learning environment.