
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

IMPORTANT FACTS TO KNOW for the end of school


We are busy wrapping up a super year. We need your help with a few items of business:

If your child owes the school any money (candy $, lunch $, textbooks or missing library books, etc.) the report card will be held at the school until the money is paid. If they are graduating, they will not walk.

The library closed on MAY 2 for the year. There are currently many books that have not been returned. It is much easier to return a book than pay for the cost to replace it. Letters concerning the missing books have already gone home. No report cards will be sent to students with missing library books.

The LOST and FOUND has many items that need to be claimed. When school is out all items not claimed will be donated to charity.

Your child's teacher has given instructions on what to do to receive mail (report card, supply list for next year, etc.). Most teachers are asking for a self addressed stamped envelope or stamps and a legal size envelope. If you don't know please send a note so your child will receive his/her report card.

Please encourage your child to finish the year STRONG in behavior and academics. Many decisions are being made these last weeks for Awards Day and the sixth weeks' grading period. There are many fun activities planned and we don't want students to miss due to misbehavior.

Coach Stephens is working on FIELD DAY and he is counting on parents to help make this day happen! Thanks to all who have already responded to his call for assistance. He sent home letters asking for donations for the concession stand (a favorite with our kids!). Please do what you can to assist!

Thanks for being so supportive this year. We have enjoyed your child(ren) and look forward to the 2014-15 school year. Stay tuned to the school blog for the latest news!

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