
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Display Rails Going Up

R. L. Young believes that it is important to publicly showcase the talents of our students. One way we are making it easier for teachers to do this is with the addition of new display rails. Mr. Jemison has been busy drilling and mounting the rails this past week in all three buildings. We appreciate his handiness with a drill!
When students returned in January of this year, we surprised them with a brand new journal. Teachers have been encouraging them to put their thoughts on paper and now we are getting ready to share their talents with you.
On May 12, each student will have their favorite journal entry displayed outside his/her classroom! Please stop in to see the fine writing samples throughout the school. 
R. L. Young is a good place to learn and grow AND write! 

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