
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Friday, August 31, 2012


Ethan N. was the proud winner of this adorable little monkey. Each week, students who have perfect attendance for the week are entered into a drawing to win a stuffed animal.
All students who have perfect attendance for the week are given an animal card to add into a collection. This is a great way to promote the importance of being at school.

Thanks, Mrs. Lamberth for posting about our attendance program funded by R. L. Young's PTO. It is exciting to see students coming to school every day, eager to learn, and afraid they might miss something if not in their seats.
Ethan has great attendance and justly deserved this little monkey. When students return after the Labor Day weekend, we will begin our 20 Day Count. Stay posted for more information concerning the importance of having great attendance during this timespan.

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