
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Third Grade Program-WOW!

Smiling faces, beautiful singing, and a slideshow of Americana was the essence of the third grade program performed before the September PTO meeting. The program and meeting were well attended with over 200 present. The school and PTO officers appreciated the support. Of course, there is nothing better than being entertained by talented kids.

The teachers are to be commended for squeezing in time to teach the songs, create a beautiful slideshow, and choreograph the program.

The next meeting will be OCTOBER 14TH at 6:00 pm. with 4th graders performing. Don't miss it!

1 comment :

Dr. Frank Buck said...

When these boys and girls are grown and look back on their school days, the fond memories are not going to center around how many answers they bubbled on a multiple-choice test. Those cherished memories are likely to revolve around moments like this night, when they realized they had the ability to get up in front of a group, display talent, be respected, and have their talents appreciated.

I know you don't have a music teacher, and with all you are expected to teach in a day, time is limited. That didn't seem to stop these 3rd grade teachers. Thank you for going the extra mile to make sure we are educating children who grow up whole.