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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hands On Learning Vs the Textbook

The teaching of children has evolved from the methods of the past. Students today want to take an active part when inquiring new information. Teachers at R. L. Young are accommodating this type of learning by planning activities that allow students to do more than "sit and get". 
Check out these pictures taken from a science lesson in Mrs. French's 5th grade class. They are learning about phases of the moon. Sure they are using a textbook, but not as the primary learning tool. The text is being used as a resource to literately recreate the moon's phases using COOKIES. 
They giggled, licked their fingers, and totally enjoyed learning the difference between waxing and waning, quarter moon and new moon, and how the sun determines what fraction of the moon is visible to those on Earth. 
There was conversations about the moon, labeling phases on plates, and experiencing deeper learning. Of course, this lesson would not have been complete without what goes best with cookies....MILK! 
Will these students remember more about the phases of the moon? Probably so because they have a stronger point of reference from this lesson. 
Check out Jessie's smile and finished product. Awesome!
Thanks, Mrs. French for inviting me into your classroom AND going the extra mile to make learning fun!

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