
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Has Come to R. L. Young!

There is evidence that fall has arrived at R. L. Young! Mrs. Diane and Mrs. Melon have decorated the hallways and doors.

Even the children have played a part in the decorating efforts.

Of course, our LUNCH BUNCH always helps to make the school lunchroom festive!

Don't forget that on OCTOBER 27th, R. L. Young will host the annual Fall Festival from 5 until 8 pm.
Plan to have supper, play bingo, go for a hayride, visit the STAGE OF FRIGHT, and so much more!
If you would like to assist with the festivities, please contact the school at 315-5888. Teachers will be sending home sign up information to man booths or games. Workers are needed and your help is appreciated.

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