
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Monday, November 21, 2011

AEW Thursday, November 17, 2011

On Thursday, Nov. 17 during American Education Week, the students took time to thank school employees who do not have a homeroom but add SO MUCH to the quality of education we provide on a daily basis.
Thanks for what you do each day for our children.
Mrs. Beard-computer lab
 Mrs. Belcher-student enrichment
 Mrs. Diane-Building and Grounds
 Mr. Jemison-Building and Grounds
 Ms. Lane- Librarian
 Mrs. Nunn- Reading Coach
 Ms. Porter- Instructional Assistant
 Coach Stephens- Physical Education

Not pictured: Ms. Winn-Speech, Ms. Kearley- Gifted Program, and Ms. Deese-school counselor.

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