
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Monday, August 20, 2012

R. L. Young Library Opens This Week

Emily Ann introducing Anna Kate to who she says is famous on campus- Ms. Lane-Librarian! Emily Ann is excited about all the new chapter books Ms. Lane got over the summer! —Mrs. Wallace, parent

Mrs. Lane, R. L. Young librarian, got some rest this summer, but came back to school in a whirl. The school's library has fresh, new paint everywhere thanks to Mr. Jemison who also completed more projects over the summer. Stop in and take a peek.

I snagged this picture from facebook because it was so cute. It got me excited about another year of watching children learn to read or become better readers. Emily Ann is not new to our library and seems to already be pumped up to begin her reading journey. Perhaps she is also excited that her sister, a new kindergartener, will begin her own reading journey.

Books should be fun and exciting for kids. But sometimes you may hear, "I don't like to read". This statement troubles me. But there is hope because that child has not caught the "reading fever". To catch the fever they must first find a book they cannot put down. A book that draws them in and they can connect to in some way. This book must be on the child's reading level. This is why our students begin with the STAR test. It determines a child's independent level of comfort for reading alone without much assistance. 

R.L. Young uses the Accelerated Reading Program to enhance our core program. It allows children to select books in their comfort zone, read until they have grasped the book's contents, and test themselves on how well they really read the book. After the last question of the computer test, it reveals automatically the score they made. Instant reward and feedback! Amazing.....

Please encourage your child to find that just right book. And better yet, take a few moments to snuggle up and listen to them read. Quiz them along the way to see if they are just "calling words" or absorbing the book's contents. READING is a skill that is needed all through life. At Young this skill is a key focal point of our academic program. 

Happy Reading, EVERYONE!

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