
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

AR Field Trip is Finally Here! 2011

Beginning of the year AR Trip Chart

The students visited the library, read the books, tested from August through May until the big day arrived...
the R.L. YOUNG AR FIELD TRIP. What a crew they took:
Mrs. Lane (librarian)
Coach Stephens
Mrs. Nelson
Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. Armstrong
Mrs. Lamberth
Mrs. Liner
Ms. Porter.
Many parents were also on hand for the fun and excitement. Thanks for the support.

Of course, the most important folks are listed below on the AR Bus Chart. 68 students were invited to attend, which is 30% of our student body from grades 1st - 6th. We are proud of so much READING! 
Everyone loved TREETOP Park so much, they want to go back NEXT YEAR. Plan now to be a part of the fun

Chart TODAY!

p.s. As I was running the AR reports today, I turned to the last page of the report and there it was....
Total Comprehension % for the School 89.0

Stay tuned for pictures of the trip.

1 comment :

Becky Armstrong said...

Treetop has an Elvis machine that plays Elvis songs when the game is activated! Guess you all know where Mrs. Armstrong spent her arcade money!